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    来源:http://www.luyunhuanbao.com/     发布时间:2021-11-30  

    步骤一:若觉得风管较短,可一次在地面组装而成,当风管较长时,可在地面上分段组装。装配过程中应尽可能调整风道度和水平度,避免风管扭曲或上下波动,左右摆动,每段风道不宜超过10 m.在装配时,垫片应垫平,螺栓应均匀地紧固,螺帽朝向同一方向。
    Step 1: If the air duct is short, it can be assembled at one time on the ground. When the air duct is long, it can be assembled in sections on the ground. In the process of Assembly, the center degree and level degree of the air duct should be adjusted as far as possible to avoid the distortion or fluctuation of the air duct. In the assembly, the gasket should be flat, bolts should be tightened evenly, nuts toward the same direction.
    Step 2: Shandong Ventilation pipe processing remind you to check all support before installation of water, elevation, check whether the support is solid, duct in place can be used vertical and lifting two ways. For the duct with smaller cross-section and lower position, the method of manual positioning can be adopted. When the cross-section of the air duct is large and the pipe section is long, it can be lifted by means of Pulley, chain and rope.
    The duct is suspended from the scaffold and then raised to the duct bracket for proper installation. Scaffold should be set up along the direction of its air duct length, height and position should be suitable for construction operation, lifting sequence should first dry after the branch, vertical pipe, lifting point should be firm, two lifting point should be evenly stressed. The vertical air duct can be installed manually and with the aid of rope. Adjust piping to ensure vertical requirements.


