With the continuous development of China’s economy, the number of high-rise buildings is increasing, and the construction quality of ventilation pipeline project is being paid more and more attention. However, with the continuous improvement of ventilation engineering construction technology, ventilation system for the production and installation of air duct higher and higher requirements, but there are still problems affecting the construction quality. The installation method of ventilation and air conditioning duct is described below.
1.在建筑物的维修结构施工结束后,应清理干净地面上的障碍物,地面上无任何杂物,山东通风91视频成人网站加工风管内无其他91视频成人网站通过的条件。检验施工现场预留孔洞的位置、尺寸是否符合图纸要求,是否有漏孔现象,预留的孔洞要比风管实际截面每边尺寸大100 mm。
1. After the construction of the maintenance structure of the building, the obstacles on the ground should be cleared up. There is no debris on the ground. Check whether the locations and size of the holes are in accordance with the drawing and whether there is any leakage. The holes are 100mm larger than the actual section of the air duct on each side.

2. Demarcate elevation, install air duct support hanger, Brush anti-rust paint together after derusting. The supporting and lifting points of the air duct are generally adopted with pre-buried iron parts, supporting and hanging frames, secondary grouting, expansion bolt method, etc. .
According to the center line of the air duct, the laying position of the suspender is determined. The single suspender is located on the center line of the air duct, and the double suspender can be installed symmetrically according to the screw hole spacing or the center line of the air duct. The Shandong ventilation pipe can be welded or hung on the hanger according to the form of the hanger. Antirust paint should be applied after welding. When installing the riser card, the top piece of pipe should be fixed first, and then the center with Wire Hammer lifting, the lower card can be fixed line. If the air duct is longer, need to install a row of support, can be fixed at both ends, and then the two-end support as a benchmark, with the pull-line method to find out the height of the middle support, in order to install.